The Brookline Ballet School
The Brookline Ballet School
1431 Beacon Street
Brookline MA, 02446
Phone: 617.879.9988
Email: info@brooklineballet.com
If we don’t address your question below, please submit to info@brooklineballet.com and we’ll do our best to answer.
Q: How do I register (my child or myself) for classes at The Brookline Ballet School?
A: Students interested in the Youth Ballet Program should email info@brooklineballet.com or call 617.879.9988. Placement in the lower levels of the Youth Ballet Program is by age. Older students will be required to take a placement class.
Adult Ballet, Classical Barre and Conditioning, Yoga, Zumba and Body Electric classes are offered on an open drop-in basis. You can attend open drop-in classes simply by coming to the studio a few minutes before the class - it will save time for your first class if you have already completed a Registration Form. You may also sign up ahead of time by clicking the gray button on the left side of the website that reads "Click here to sign-up for classes!"
Pre-school classes are offered as sessions. Some drop-in space may be available in classes that are not full. Registration may be completed online by clicking the gray button on the left side of the website that reads "Click here to sign-up for classes!"
Q: What makes The Brookline Ballet School different from other ballet studios?
A: We offer ballet training unsurpassed in the Boston area, with internationally-renowned teachers. We are focused on teaching and giving our students the opportunity to perform on a regular basis. Students of all ages are welcome in different programs in our two bright and spacious modern studios in a central convenient Coolidge Corner location. We also provide under the same roof the complementary exercise and dance forms to enhance dancer’s physical and artistic development. Our open classes are also available for the enjoyment of people not enrolled in a ballet program.
Q: My daughter loves dancing and wants to continue, but I doubt that she's professional ballerina material. What should we do?
A: You probably wouldn’t pull your child from the sport she/he enjoys because you doubt she/he will become professional player; you’d be happy for her/him to continue to play because of the benefits of the athletic activity and the sportsmanship they learn. Similarly, ballet is a beneficial, artistic and highly athletic activity that dancers should pursue simply because they enjoy it. Learning any discipline also has "cross-over" benefits for other physical and mental activities. Working on choreography for a performance requires dancers to be part of a team. So although it is true that few children will become professional dancers, they can enjoy dancing in their youth and continue to benefit as adults with continued recreational dance, or from the long-term benefits of their youthful activity, training and memories. In fact, if you danced in your youth, we’re sure you still love to watch dance and encourage you to come back to try dancing in our open classes in various dance and exercise forms for adults.
Q: My daughter likes jazz/modern dance and also skates, but has been told she needs ballet. Why?
A: Ballet is the foundation technique used by all dancers and figure skaters to extend the muscles, develop core strength and artistic and technical abilities. Ballet training prepares dancers to go into jazz or modern dancing and adapt quickly. A jazz trained dancer will not be able to walk into a ballet class and know very much of what is going on. Ballet vocabulary and basic movement are used in all dance forms, providing a basic language of dance literacy. These days, most dancers and top-ranking figure skaters take ballet as a base technique that keeps them strong and centered. The teachers and coaches are well aware of the benefits, so encourage or insist on ballet to give jazz dancers and figure skaters additional skill and a competitive edge. In addition ballet frees dancers, technically speaking, and enables them to do their best in whatever other dance forms or activities they choose.
Q: My son wants to dance. Can he enroll at The Brookline Ballet School?
A: Yes!!! One of our primary objectives is to encourage boys to come learn to dance. Our Associate Director, Parren Ballard, took up dancing at the age of 11 after playing baseball, wrestling and swimming when younger. He discovered dancing and was instantly hooked. So we’d love to have boys who have developed athletic abilities playing soccer, hockey or whatever, and would now like to develop artistic abilities. Boys begin training just as girls do, and classes are a mix of boys and girls. As boys get older, their regular ballet classes are supplemented with "Men's Classes" with specific empahsis on the physicality and athleticism of make dancing. For a full description, photos and video including an interview with Parren Ballard and current students, please go to the new local newspaper and resouces website Brookline Patch at: http://brookline.patch.com/articles/at-new-brooline-ballet-school-boys-can-be-boys.
Q: My teenage daughter took ballet classes when she was younger and is interested to dance once or twice a week, but can’t commit to the more intensive Youth Ballet program. Can she take just one or two classes a week?
A: Yes, if she is at least 16 years old, she will be welcome in our open Adult Ballet classes.
Q: I’m an adult who studied ballet as a child and would like to start again. (…or who has never studied ballet but would like to start.) Can I start ballet at The Brookline Ballet School?
A: Yes, you are not alone in wanting to enjoy ballet as an adult. Our open Adult Ballet classes and Absolute Beginner Ballet and Basic Beginner Ballet sessions are designed to give adults of all ages and abilities the opportunity to study and enjoy ballet. Please read the class descriptions by clicking here.
Q: How do I know if classes are cancelled for bad weather or other emergency?
A: In the event of class cancellations, we will place a posting on the home page of our website. In general, TBBS classes will be cancelled if Brookline schools are closed but always check the website to confirm! Classes cancelled due to weather will not be made up.
Q: What is your refund/cancellation policy for Adult Classes/Pre-school sessions?
A: 5-class and 10-class passes are NON-REFUNDABLE and valid for 1-year from the date of purchase.
Pre-school sessions and Adult Ballet sessions (Absolute Beginner Ballet and Basic Beginner Ballet) are NON-REFUNDABLE. In cases where students must withdraw due to medical reasons, injury, family emergency, etc we will return the money paid to the student's TBBS account to be used toward future purchases of classes or sessions.
Please check the Youth Ballet Program Handbook for the Youth Ballet Program cancellation policy.